About Us:
The Maple Brothers
Where nature and lifestyle blend seamlessly. Our maple syrup is rooted in the pristine landscapes of the USA and comes from the heart of New England's forests.
We are proud to deliver products that are not only steeped in tradition, but also embody our commitment to authenticity and quality. Harmony, balance and a deep connection to nature are at the core of our values.
Our values
All our products are organically grown and processed. We are strictly against preservatives and other chemicals. This means that our products are 100% natural.
Organic farming
The quality of our products is heavily dependent on nature and its raw materials. The fact that maple syrup can be harvested annually from healthy trees means that nature is preserved
and protected.
Essence of the Wild
The durability of our products is the result of nature and our processing methods. In addition, maple syrup is classified internationally under strict conditions and we believe only
to the best quality.
Freshness and purity
Sometimes maple syrup is artificially colored to ensure a consistent color. By using only the highest quality maple syrup, nature gives us the consistent and stunning color.
Free from dyes
To further underline our connection to nature, we consciously avoid using preservatives. Our products are naturally long-lasting and there is no point in doing so. We have high standards and trust in our products.
Free from preservatives
Maple syrup is naturally sweet. We believe in untouched natural products and are clearly against the addition of additional sugar. The natural antioxidants and trace elements also make maple syrup a healthier sweetener than sugar.